Jan Marini Skin Research is a San Jose, CA-based company founded in 1994. JMSR is a recognized leader and innovator in skincare that is committed to continually expanding and improving the professional skincare market. JMSR's two primary focuses are to provide innovative technologies that deliver proven measurable results and an unwavering commitment to the ongoing success of our customers.

As the winner of more NewBeauty Awards than any other company, backed by multiple peer-reviewed studies published in medical journals, JMSR is committed to ensuring our skin care products deliver results. By holding our products to this higher standard, we create products that transform your skin and that you will want to use, thereby increasing compliance and maximizing results.

Book a skincare consultation to see your best results.

Jan Marini has options for:

  • Acne and acne scarring
  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Redness
  • Uneven texture
  • Dryness
  • Wrinkles

Shop for Jan Marini skincare here.