VAGINAL ATROPHY - if you have it you know why it’s in all caps, if you don’t - rejoice. Vaginal atrophy is not terminal - except possibly to your sex life. This doesn’t have to be the case. Optimal Health is very excited to offer a new option for treating this problem:
Vaginal atrophy is the thinning and drying of the vaginal walls due to less estrogen being produced in the body. This usually occurs due to menopause or cancer treatments. The MonaLisa Touch is an in-office procedure for treating vaginal atrophy that is virtually painless and requires no anesthesia. The MonaLisa counteracts vaginal atrophy with a small fractal laser that stimulates collagen production in the vagina thus naturally restoring vaginal mucosa and rehydrating the vaginal walls.
The MonaLisa Touch laser is a great option for any woman experiencing vaginal dryness, pain with intercourse due to poor lubrication or elasticity, loss of orgasmic function, post-menopausal recurrent vaginal/urinary tract infection, or irritative bladder symptoms. It is especially exciting for those who do not want to use hormone therapy or for those that hormone replacement therapy is contraindicated. The intravaginal laser treatment directly targets the symptoms of vaginal atrophy instead of altering hormone levels. The treatment returns the vagina and the surrounding tissues to normal.
This treatment works almost 100 percent of the time, takes about 5 minutes and there is no recovery period. Patients will need 3 sessions to get long-term results.
This procedure has been used successfully throughout Europe since 2010 and is FDA-approved in the United States.
Menopause, whether natural or induced, determines a range of changes,
involving virtually all organs and systems of a woman’s body. The end of
estrogen production by the ovaries is linked to the onset of disorders
resulting from urogenital atrophy such as dryness, dyspareunia,
vaginal irritation with itching and burning, vaginal laxity, and stress urinary
Studies show that symptoms caused by the atrophic vaginitis
are present in 50% of post-menopausal women, determining adverse
effects on their overall well-being and, in many cases, their sexual life.
During menopause, the fibroblasts sited in the vaginal mucosa, reduce
their own activity and cannot produce the proper amount of collagen and
molecules required to maintain an adequate ground matrix structure that is
necessary to preserve correct connective tissue hydration. The mucosa
becomes dry, less nourished, and therefore fragile and prone to infection due
to the higher pH, setting up the environment for the colonization of pathogenic
Contact us today to schedule and start feeling your best.