Posted on June 10, 2018 by Optimal Health Staff

Vaginal dryness is a condition that occurs due to hormonal changes in the vagina.  When estrogen levels drop in the vulva, blood flow decreases and atrophy can occur. Atrophy is thinning of the tissue that results in less rugations or natural folds in the vaginal tissue.  As the body loses rugations, the tissue becomes less elastic with less natural moisture and lubrication. This can lead not only to painful intercourse but also recurring vaginal and bladder infections.  Physiologic moisture helps maintain the proper pH balance which prevents overgrowth of yeast or harmful bacteria that can make a woman more prone to vaginitis and UTI’s.  

Treatment of vaginal atrophy can include a variety of hormone replacement options such as estrogen and testosterone which can be used in topical forms such as creams, gels, patches, sprays and pellets. There is also a laser treatment available called MonaLisa Touch which is a non-hormonal option that can help with atrophy, vaginal dryness, mild stress urinary incontinence and decreased sensitivity. 

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